Quiz on Brief history of Network

Quiz on history of Internet

Network Hope Quiz : Brief History of Network

If you are curious about the things that happened in the past, then have landed on the correct page Network Hope. This page contains the Quiz on Brief History of Network. It is always very fascinating to know the history. You may like to go through the chapter Introduction and a brief history of the Network before taking a quiz.

Each Question has 4 options. Choose the Most appropriate one.

Category : EASY 😊

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Chapter:Introduction and brief history of Network.

Click on the correct answer for each question.

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At the end check the score and correct your answer.

  • 1.In the year 1969, ARPANET connected 4 US Universities with 4 _________ Computers

    A) Super

    B) Mainframe

    C) Mini

    D) Desktop

  • 2. Vint Cerf and Robert E Kahn are known for their contribution for.

    A) ICMP

    B) HTTP

    C) FTP

    D) TCP

  • 3. In ARPANET, the communication software used was known as __________

    A) MSDOS

    B) NCP

    C) OS/2

    D) PL/I

  • 4. NSF stands for ?

    A) National Sports Federation

    B) National School for FOundation

    C) National Science Foundation

    D) National Science Federation

  • 5. Speed of T1 line is ________-- ?

    A) 1.544 Kbps

    B) 1544 Kbps

    C) 15.44 Mbps

    D) 1544 Mbps

  • You are on the Quiz page on Brief history of Network.

    6. The first Web Browser was WorldWideWeb, In which year it was developed ?

    A) 1990

    B) 1983

    C) 1991

    D) 1969

  • 7. PSTN stands for ______________________?

    A) Private Service Telecom Network

    B) Public Switched Telecom Network

    C) Public Service Telephone Network

    D) None of These

  • 8. A ________is a Web site that allows users to add and update content on the site using their own Web browser.

    A) Wiki

    B) Forum

    C) Social Media

    D) Blog

  • 9. The feature of web 2.0 is/are____

    A) participation

    B) collaboration

    C) information sharing

    D) all of these

  • 10. Which of the following is not a Web Server ?

    A) IIS

    B) Nginx

    C) WWW

    D) Apache

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